The Time Has Come: Schedule Your Heating Maintenance Appointment Today

With the weather not even dipping below 60 degrees at night, it may seem too early to start thinking about your heater. In fact, you’re probably still using your cooling system on quite a regular basis. However, the best time to schedule maintenance for your HVAC system is before you are going to need to use it, therefore making now the best time to schedule your appointment.

Routine preventive maintenance ensures that your heating system runs more efficiently. It also reduces the risk of huge emergency repairs later on down the line. Keep reading to learn more about the numerous benefits that this service offers. Continue reading

How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioner Installation

Hopefully this summer has seen you through with an effective air conditioner that gave you no trouble. However, if you are considering replacing your cooling system or you are buying a brand new system for your home, you naturally want to get the best system you can while still adhering to your budget. Keep reading to learn what factors you should look for to ensure you save the most on your air conditioning system installation. Continue reading

Are You Changing Your Air Filter Often Enough?

Many homeowners don’t realize just how important their air filter is to a properly functioning HVAC system. But avoiding this important air conditioning component can do a lot more harm than good. Changing your air filter is a task that you can and should manage on your own, on a routine basis.

The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC system is placed there to protect the interior components of that system. It helps prevent dust and other potentially harmful debris from entering via return air ducts. So if the air filter is left ignored for too long, it will become congested and won’t allow for sufficient airflow or an effective cooling system at all. Continue reading

Is Your New Air Conditioner the Right Size?

Do you need a new air conditioning system installed? Naturally, you might assume that the bigger the system, the more powerful it will be, and the best fit it will be for your home. Unfortunately, although this logic works for other appliances throughout your home, it is not the case for air conditioners. AC systems must be properly sized and installed by professionals—such as the members of our staff—to avoid problems.

Many premature air conditioning failures are actually causes by the way the AC unit was installed to start with. It’s important that when you go to buy an air conditioner, you understand just how our professionals complete a successful installation, while meeting the appropriate building codes and ensuring that you have the space to accommodate the system that you want. Continue reading

Deciding Whether You Need a New Air Conditioner

Most air conditioners today are manufactured to last 10-20 years, as long as they are professionally installed and well-maintained throughout their lifespan. However, every air conditioner has it limit, and at some point yours will wear down to the point that you have to replace it.

How do you know when you’ve reached this point though? Are there certain signs that it’s time to have your system replaced before the current one breaks down altogether? The good news is that yes, there is. You shouldn’t have to worry about having your AC system break down on you suddenly right in the middle of summer. Continue reading

Short-Cycling: What It Is and Why It’s a Problem

When you live somewhere that gets as hot and humid during the summer as it does in our parts, you know how important it is to have a fully functioning and efficiently working air conditioner in your home. You want to know that it’s going to be reliable all summer long and won’t quit on you in the middle of summer when you need it the most.

For this reason, it’s imperative that you schedule maintenance on a regular basis. Even with maintenance, however, AC systems can still run into problems. One of these issues is when the AC system starts up fine but runs only briefly before shutting back down: a process called short-cycling. Continue reading

Avoid the Consequences of Skipping This AC Maintenance Task

Is it ever a good idea to skip air conditioning maintenance? The short answer is no! Even when one small component of your air conditioner isn’t functioning as it should, it can negatively impact your entire system. Within your system there are a number of electrical components, motors, coils, refrigerant, and more to help you stay cool.

One commonly overlooked part of your AC system though that should never be ignored is its air filter. Your air conditioner needs a clean and effective air filter in order to operate at its peak. And changing your air filter is a task you can and should do on your own, at least every 3 months—more if your home contains significant pet dander and/or cigarette smoke. Continue reading

The Advantages of Whole-House High Efficiency Air Filtration

Chances are, when you live somewhere that gets as sweltering hot in the summer as it does here, you use a central air conditioning unit. This provides a lot of relief from outdoor conditions, but can also be helping to negatively impact your indoor air quality. In fact, because houses are built so “tightly” to make our air conditioners more efficient, there often isn’t appropriate ventilation to allow for decent indoor air quality.

The thing is, when you use a whole-house air conditioner, the air blown out of your ducts stirs up pollutants and makes them airborne. You could also be experiencing duct leaks that make this problem even worse, allowing pollutants to negatively impact the ductwork itself. The good news is, there’s an answer to this problem: a whole-house high efficiency air filtration system. Continue reading

3 Reasons to Make a Heat Pump Your Next Home Comfort Installation

Heat pumps have become an increasingly popular way to both heat and cool homes throughout the country. These HVAC systems work similar to traditional central air conditioners in that they circulate chemical refrigerant between two sets of coils—one indoors and one outdoors—to create a heat exchange.

This heat exchange process is essentially taking heat from one location and moving it to another. A standard AC unit moves heat from indoors and exhausts it outdoors. However, a heat pump has a component referred to as the reversing valve, which switches the direction of heat exchange, requiring nothing more than a single adjustment to your thermostat. So why should a heat pump be your next home comfort installation? Continue reading

What Contributes to Air Conditioning Efficiency Loss?

We probably don’t even need to tell you this, but summer is officially here! Temperatures are only going to rise even further in the coming months, and when they do you’ll want to make sure your air conditioner is working as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Be sure to pay attention to your utility bills. If you notice a rise in costs compared to what you paid last year, or even what your neighbors are paying for comparable use, then your air conditioner could definitely be losing some of its energy efficiency. Continue reading