What Contributes to Air Conditioning Efficiency Loss?

We probably don’t even need to tell you this, but summer is officially here! Temperatures are only going to rise even further in the coming months, and when they do you’ll want to make sure your air conditioner is working as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Be sure to pay attention to your utility bills. If you notice a rise in costs compared to what you paid last year, or even what your neighbors are paying for comparable use, then your air conditioner could definitely be losing some of its energy efficiency.

But What Are the Causes?

A Dirty Outdoor Unit: When your air conditioner is out of commission for so long during the winter, the outdoor condenser coil can accumulate a layer of dust and other debris that can negatively impact the system’s performance. This prevents that coil from being able to effectively release heat, which makes your air conditioner work that much harder. You should never try to clean the coil yourself however. This is a job best left to the professionals.

Age: You might be one of those homeowners who schedules maintenance diligently every year, and if so, that’s great! However, age will eventually catch up no matter how well you take care of the system. When this occurs, efficiency usually tanks. But how do you know when this is the case? Typically, a properly installed and services air conditioner will last around 10-15 years. Any older than this, it’s time to call an HVAC professional.

A Clogged Air Filter: Your air conditioning system’s air filter is there to protect its inside component. When your air conditioner is under regular use, then it can easily become clogged. As a result, it should be cleaned or changed every 1-3 months. The reason this is so important is because dirt and debris can negatively impact the airflow of your system, performing very inefficiently and costing you more to run.

For air conditioning repairs in Schererville, IN, contact Earl’s Heating & Air Conditioning today!